Freeware Windows utilities
This page holds various small utilities I've made to make my life easier; they're here in the unlikely event they'll be of use to anyone else. These programs are all are Windows .net applications; so version 4 or better of the .net framework is recommended.
Feedback & bugs can be sent to
Note to 3rd party hosts: direct links to the .zip files here may be redirected; this is to mitigate links to out-of-date versions. You are, of course, welcome to host the files yourself.
Recent Updates:
notes Version 1.6; 2020-03-11
- Added: sticky mode: an utra-minimal editor display. Experimental and can currently only be tried out by hitting F4 in an editor window.
- Added: command to insert the current date&time. Use F2 or the editor's context menu for this.
- Added: -newNote command line arg to create a new note.
- Changed: in the editor's context menu: the 'make top-most' command has been moved to the command menu with a visible link on the bottom row (the up or down arrow)
- Changed: Version info now stored in the assembly properties.
- Fixed: bug in hotkey assignment with certain keys.
DupeKill Version 1.2; 2020-02-19
- Added: 'Export Scan...' button (on the right above the file list) to dump the results of a scan to a .csv before executing any actions.
- Changed: Now storing the version # in the assembly information.
- Changed: Small mod to the 'descriptive name' scoring.
rawKeyLogger Version 0.8; 2020-01-18
- Added: Histogram now shades unlogged time-spans as light grey.
- Fixed: Occasional crash when minimized with the event log tab open.
- Fixed: Some bugs in the event log's "event selector".
- Fixed: Bug in histogram diplay with long-duration logs.
- Changed: Now encrypting the .zip to avoid AV false-positives impacting the website's safe-browsing rating. Password will always be "cresstone".
notes Version 1.5; 2020-01-10
- Changed: Now we try to use the best available version of the richedit textbox; this should be a universal performance boost for very large notes.
- Changed: In-note search now defaults to 'from the beginning' instead of 'from the cursor'.
- Fixed: When saving a note as a text file, the title is now sanitized to replace invalid characters before being sent to the 'save as' dialogue.
- Fixed: semi-rare regression introduced in last version were deleted notes would hang around in the list.
- Fixed: More reliable focusing of the editor window when using the 'new note' hotkey.
multiSum Version 1.4.1; 2019-12-14
- Added: Some filtering/sorting options to the verification mode. Not entirely satisfied with how these are passed, so this may change.
linkMaker Version 1.1.1; 2019-11-22
- Changed: Symbolic link creation now uses unicode safe call.
multiSum Version 1.4; 2019-11-20
- Added: Two new STDIN input modes, see above for descriptions of -i:2 and -i:3
- Changed: Memory efficient handling of very large verification files.
- Changed: found moderately better whirlpool implementation from splittydev (performance on my machine is now ~46 MB/s vs the old code's 12MB/s)
- Added: New hash family: tiger.
- Added: CNG versions of the MD and SHA hash famlies. These versions invoke direct calls to microsoft's bcrypt.dll to do the math. On many platforms this will use hardware acceleration and give a much faster result.
- Added: New checksum, Fletcher32, like adler but better.
DupeKill Version 1.1.1; 2019-11-19
- Fixed: Bug in prefer/discard folder logic.
- Fixed: Regression in 'most descriptive' scoring code.